Monday, October 15, 2007

Episode 1104

Host Chris tells the remaining nine Bachelorettes what's in store this week: one group date, a one on one date and a special two on one date from which only one woman will return.

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The One on One Date

The first date box is for Jenni. Inside is a toy helicopter. The note reads, "Join me for a nighttime cruise and we'll see the lights of L.A." Jenni is thrilled, but Sheena privately wonders if Jenni is really in it for Brad, or just there for the competition. The women go crazy when they hear the helicopter arrive. McCarten admits she's extremely jealous, especially when Jenni gives Brad a big hug in front of all the other women. Stephy notes how obvious the physical attraction is between Brad and Jenni and how "touchy feely" they are. Hillary says that realizing she might not have the same connection with Brad makes her "want to throw up." She's so depressed that she literally lays her head on Jade's shoulder for comfort.

Meanwhile, Jenni and Brad fly over L.A. by night, landing on top of a tall skyscraper, where a table and chairs have been set up for them to appreciate the spectacular view. Brad says how happy he is to finally spend time with her. He toasts to a perfect setting and perfect company. Jenni jokes privately that if Brad doesn't give her a rose, she's going to jump off the building, but that she wants to be focused on him and not the rose. He tells her that it struck a huge chord with him when she said she hoped she's the girl he falls in love with.

Back at the house, the rest of the women wonder who's going on the two on one date. Jade feels like DeAnna and McCarten are "attacking" the other women. Stephy admits that she doesn't always answer their questions because they don't ask them in a nice way. Jade is upset when DeAnna keeps interrupting her and says that's why she doesn't talk to her and McCarten.

Brad gives Jenni his jacket to keep warm as they cuddle up on a couch. He tells her he doesn't want to leave tonight and he wants to see her tomorrow too. They kiss and she admits she's starting to think of him as her boyfriend. Brad gives Jenni the rose and when she confesses she's saved all the roses he's given her, he tells her, "You're too good to be true, I think." He can't resist kissing her one more time.

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The Group Date

The second date box has arrived. It's for the group date and invited are Sheena, McCarten, Hillary, Bettina, Kristy and Stephy. Inside are a feather boa and a gold mask. Sheena reads the note, "There's nothing sexier than a woman's laugh. Show me yours."

Sworn enemies Jade and DeAnna realize that since their names aren't on the list, they are going on the double date with Brad. DeAnna vows that she's not intimidated by Jade and won't let her ruin the date, while Jade hopes that Brad sees DeAnna the way she does, as "a terrible person."

Brad wants to see who can laugh and have fun on the group date. They arrive at an improv comedy theater, where Brad tells them they're the show! Two actresses lead them in some warm up games and then they play a game with props. McCarten is surprised when "quiet" Bettina yells, "Brad, I love you," through a party hat. Next the women dress up in costumes including a nun and a nurse. Brad asks them questions and they have to answer in character. Hillary is very proud of her performance as a cheerleader and thinks she deserves the rose more than anyone.

Kristy is very uncomfortable having to perform and admits she feels "stupid." Brad assures her things like that are hard for him too. Fighting back tears, she says that she's worried that now he'll think she doesn't know how to have fun. Brad feels bad that she got upset, but he likes the fact that the normally composed Kristy can get emotional over him.

The other women discuss Kristy's meltdown and Stephy threatens to "smack her upside the head," if she gets a rose because she cried. Brad says that Hillary stole the show and praises the other women for their efforts, but he gives the rose to Bettina, whom he can tell was out of her comfort zone but still stepped up, and kept a smile on her face.

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The Two on One Date

The last date box arrives for Jade and DeAnna. The note reads, "Tonight there's just one rose. One stays, one goes." Both women have to pack their bags, in case they are the one who is being sent home. They both vow to be the one to get the rose. Neither of them talk, or even look at each other, in the limo ride to meet Brad.

He greets them on a rooftop where dinner is laid out for three, telling them they both look beautiful. He asks them each what they think about moving to Austin. Jade says she'd love to and before she finishes speaking, DeAnna starts talking over her, saying she'd be glad to relocate as well. DeAnna delivers a speech about how she's looking to get married and to live happily ever after. Brad says she seems really independent and Jade says she can relate to that, since she started working when she was 16 and DeAnna tops her by saying that she started working when she was 14.

Jade worries that she's freezing up and that DeAnna is doing all the talking. When she gets her alone time with Brad, she tells him she's nervous and that's making her unusually quiet. He reassures her that he finds her beautiful and confident and that he thinks she's "great."

Back at the house, McCarten quizzes everyone about whether they're ready to get engaged to Brad after just six weeks. When the women all say yes, Bettina laughs and asks, "Do you guys understand what marriage is?" Hillary asks what her "hang ups" about marriage are and Bettina admits that her last committed relationship was, in fact, a marriage. The other women are astonished. She advises them that it's very foolish to meet someone so quickly and expect it to last forever. Hillary takes offense and says that when you meet the right person, "you just know" and that people just give up too easily on marriage. Out of earshot, Hillary says if she were Brad, she wouldn't date someone who was divorced, since she's "like a used car."

Alone with Brad, DeAnna says she doesn't always wear her heart on her sleeve, but that she wants a chance to fall in love with him because he's exactly what she's been looking for. She advises him to do what his heart tells him and hopes that means choosing her.

Brad picks up the rose and tells the two women that this is one of the most difficult decisions he's ever had to make, but the connection he feels with the woman he's about to give the rose to is a genuine and true one. He presents the rose to DeAnna, who beams and hugs him. He takes a minute to say goodbye to Jade.

The other women wonder when "Creepy Suitcase Guy" will arrive for the bags, and whose he will take. They are shocked when they realize that he's come for Jade's bags.

Jade admits to being shocked at being the one to leave and wishes that Brad had "seen through" DeAnna. She regrets letting her nerves and the conflict with DeAnna get to her, rather than focusing on just Brad.

Brad and DeAnna change into their bathing suits and hit the hot tub, where he kisses her for the first time.

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The Cocktail Party

The mood is somber before the next cocktail party, as two more women will be going home. DeAnna is annoyed because the other women pretend that they're not all competing against each other. She says she's here to fall in love with Brad, "not to make a bunch of best friends."

Kristy tells Brad she's glad he saw her cry, because that way he knows she's not as guarded as she might appear. He thinks she's not so much guarded as "a lady" and "very mature," but he expresses concern that she might not consider him refined enough for her.

Sheena says it's "deja vu" waiting for Brad on a couch since the last time that happened, he sent Chad instead! He hugs her and says that Chad walked away singing her praises. She gets teary when she says how much she wants to be here, and that it's "for all the right reasons."

Several of the women ask Brad which Bachelorette he kissed first. They're surprised when he admits it was Jenni, on the beach date. After Brad leaves, the claws come out and Bettina tells the other woman, "I always thought she was the sluttiest." They marvel that Jenni kept it a secret and when DeAnna reveals Jenni said her first kiss with Brad was this week, Bettina exclaims, "Wow, a slut and a liar!"

The other women join Jenni and tell her they were just talking about her first kiss. They ask who kissed whom and she says that Brad kissed her. Hillary says she understands why she didn't tell anyone, so no one would feel bad. Privately, Hillary says that as long as she's the last person Brad kisses, nothing else really matters.

Jenni admits to DeAnna that she hoped Jade was coming back since she felt that Brad has been more attracted to DeAnna and she doesn't want the competition. Bettina wonders why she'd root for someone whom Brad feels less of a connection with and says, "I'm surprised that you're thinking of it like a game and not like a relationship." She wonders if she's misunderstanding her and Jenni says, "That's okay. I misunderstand you as well. I don't need to understand anybody else but me and him."

Bettina starts to tear up as she admits she's fallen for Brad and it hurts her to see the other women not treat him with respect. While she's pouring her heart out to the camera, Brad and Jenni are kissing during their alone time.

McCarten tells Brad she doesn't feel she's let her guard down around him and admits that she's been hurt before and even been cheated on. She starts to cry when she says she doesn't know if she can do this because she hates being second. Privately, he says he's surprised to find that she's so emotional under her tough exterior.

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The Rose Ceremony

Going into the rose ceremony, Brad says he's not at all sure what he wants to do.

Brad gives the remaining roses to:


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Which means that McCarten and Stephy are going home. Stephy says she knows she has a wall around her heart and that Brad obviously wasn't the guy to get through to her. She turns her back to the camera rather than be caught crying. McCarten admits she's very emotional about being sent home and has to wipe the tears away.

Brad toasts to "following our hearts and falling in love" with the six remaining women.

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